Many men, and women, visit wondering ‘how do hair transplant work?’ The great thing is that is really does work and has a satisfaction rate according to the many hair transplant patients Dr. Thompson sees as well as many patients who leave reviews on The current satisfaction rate for hair transplant surgery is 95 percent, which is extremely high for the popular cosmetic site.
So how do hair transplants work?
At Utah Hair MD, we offer two techniques for the extraction of grafts. The traditional method involves removing a small strip of scalp from the back of the head where the hair is resistant to loss from male or female pattern baldness. Those grafts are dissected and cleaned under a microscope and separated out depending on how many strands of hair are in each follicle. This prepares them for the transplantation process that Dr. Thompson will oversee and perform.
The second option involves extracting the grafts one at a time from the back of the head with NeoGraft technology. An experienced NeoGraft technician suctions each graft in a checkered pattern from an area in the back of the head and then separates them according to strand amount in each follicle.
The latter half of the procedure involves the actual transplantation of grafts. The recipient sites are created with a small needle and prepared for the grafts that are then placed in a completely natural pattern one at a time. Each graft is evaluated to ensure it hasn’t been transected at any point and will therefore produce hair as long as the post-operative instructions are followed carefully by the patient.
The recipient sites where they grafts are placed become small pinpoint scabs that come off after the procedure within 7-10 days. The transplanted hair typically goes through shock loss and falls out with the scabs or within the next few weeks. The follicle is still in place and hair begins to grow approximately 4-6 months following surgery. Full results can be expected 9-12 months of surgery and patients are typically amazed to see how natural and full those grafts grow in.
Hair transplant surgery is great because it’s pretty straight forward and it works. The grafts are placed and they grow. The only downside is it does take some time. For more information on how hair transplants work, like FUT hair transplants for example, and to see if you’re a good candidate for hair transplant surgery, call (801)776-2220 for a consultation in Layton or Draper, Utah.