
How Long Do Hair Transplant Results Last?

how long do hair transplant results lastHair transplant surgery is incredible treatment for hair loss and one we perform often here at UFP Hair Restoration. So how long do hair transplant results last?

Hair Transplant Techniques

First, let’s talk about the different methods for hair transplantation. The two main techniques include FUT (follicular unit transplantation) and FUE (follicular unit extraction). FUT involves removing a strip of scalp from the back of the head that is the grafts are removed and cleaned from prior to transplantation. FUE is a popular option since no linear excision is required from the back of the scalp and grafts are extracted one at a time in a checkered pattern. Both techniques work great and outcomes are incredibly natural. The only difference is in how the grafts are obtained prior to transplanting them to bald and thinning areas of the scalp.

Hair Transplant Results

The best part about hair transplant surgery is that the results are permanent. That is, the grafts that “take”, which on average is approximately 98%, will remain there permanently without internal or external intervention. This is possible because the grafts used for hair transplant surgery come from the back of the scalp where the follicles are not prone to androgenic alopecia, otherwise known as male or female pattern hair loss. Those grafts are resistant to DHT, the male sex hormone that is responsible for the shrinking of follicles during male or female pattern hair loss. That is not to say that hair loss won’t progress as the existing hair that was not transplanted could fall out overtime. That is why we recommend oral or topical finasteride that blocks DHT, which helps you hang on to the hair you have before and after hair transplantation.

The down side of hair transplant surgery is that the results do take some time before they become apparent. Once the grafts are transplanted, the hairs in those grafts typically fall out with the scabs as those sites heal. The follicles then begin producing hairs within 3-5 months with full results to be expected around 12 months. Most patients are fine waiting as it’s less apparent they have undergone any type of hair restoration with the change so gradual. And the final results make it all worth it.

To learn more about hair transplant surgery in Layton, Draper and SLC, Utah, call (385) 344-4247 or contact us HERE.

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