
What Makes Nutrafol Hair Supplement Unique?

Nutrafol is a one-of-kind hair supplement that is effective for both men and women who are suffering from shedding and hair loss. Nutrafol is backed by evidence-based research and works best on individuals who are suffering from mild to moderate hair thinning mainly caused by stress, genetics, and age. Nutrafol is a powerhouse of combined ingredients that you otherwise would have to purchase all separately.

Unique Ingredients

nutrafol ingredients

Nutrafol is a supplement that contains botanicals such as tocotrienols complex (super vitamin E), ashwagandha (decreases levels of stress), saw palmetto (prevents testosterone conversion to DHT), and marine collagen (supports healthy hair). This supplement also contains multiple antioxidants, vitamins such as biotin, and keratin.

One of the main ingredients listed above is saw palmetto. This ingredient prevents testosterone from converting to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT can bind to receptors, causing hair follicles to shrink, weaken and eventually die. Saw palmetto also promotes healthier hair and hair growth.

All the ingredients in Nutrafol help reduce stress levels, inflammation, neutralize free radicals, and rebalance androgen hormones. All of which then increases hair growth and helps hair become thicker. Noticeable hair growth takes time but with consistent use of Nutrafol results will be noticeable in a matter of time.

Suitable for Both Men and Women

Nutrafol is shown to work best for those individuals who are experiencing mild to moderate hair thinning caused by either stress, age, or genetics. Both men and women are also taking Nutrafol to prevent hair thinning or to maintain healthy hair.

Nutrafol has a couple different supplements for women, depending on the hair loss they are experiencing. Nutrafol Women is for women suffering from hair loss or thinning due to more common factors such as stress, environmental and nutrient deficiencies. The other women’s supplement is Nutrafol Women’s Balance which is ideal for women whose hair loss is caused by hormonal changes.

The majority of men are affected by hair loss, which is why Nutrafol Men’s is something most men should be adding to their daily routine. 70 percent of men are being affected by hair loss and it is a good idea to maintain hair health to prevent or prolong balding as well as more invasive treatments like hair transplant surgery.

If you are an individual who is looking for a more natural way to increase hair growth or and have beautiful, thicker, longer hair without the side effects of prescription medications, Nutrafol is a step in the right direction.

If you have any questions about hair restoration, please contact our office at (801)776-2220

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