How Does NeoGraft Work?

NeoGraft is a follicular unit extraction (FUE) device for hair restoration.  It is the only follicular unit harvesting and implantation system cleared by the FDA. It is a minimally invasive hair transplant technique that uses pneumatic pressure to extract individual hair follicles from the donor area and implant them into the recipient area. This automated process ensures precision and minimal discomfort for the patient, resulting in natural-looking hair restoration. So how does NeoGraft work?

What Is NeoGraft?

The NeoGraft device delivers automation of the FUE techniques which happens to be the most advanced technology in the hair transplant industry. NeoGraft is different than other FUE methods because it uses a vacuum-like suction to extract and implant follicles, making it more efficient and much quicker than other methods. The survival rate of grafts with NeoGraft is about 98%. The survival rate of grafts is higher than other FUE methods because the graft are suctioned and not “cut” or “plucked” out, making the grafts better quality for transplantation.

Benefits with NeoGraft

  • minimal bleeding
  • low risk of complications
  • no scalpel incision (no linear scar)
  • no sutures or staples
  • high success rate
  • quicker recovery
  • minimal downtime

NeoGraft offers many benefits with a quicker recovery than the strip method, and most importantly, no linear scar on the back of the head. This makes this procedure one of the most desirable hair restoration techniques available today.

How Does NeoGraft Work?

FUE with NeoGraft is performed under local anesthesia in a surgical room at UFP Hair Restoration. Throughout the entire procedure the patient is awake and alert but can be given medication to help them relax and feel comfortable during the procedure. After the local anesthetic is injected, the procedure will begin.

The NeoGraft device is then used to extract the needed follicular units from the dense area on the back of the head. Dr. Thompson arranges these grafts in an aesthetically pleasing, natural position. The pattern is unique to each patient and the grafts are placed according to each individual patient’s needs.

What Is NeoGraft Technology?

NeoGraft is a groundbreaking hair restoration technology. It’s an automated system that relocates hair follicles from the donor area where you have more hair to the recipient area, where more hair is needed. In essence, it’s transplanting hair from an area of abundance to an area of scarcity.

The system employs Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE), enabling the doctor to extract each hair follicle individually instead of cutting a strip of skin from the back of your head. This significantly reduces invasiveness and discomfort. Moreover, FUE tends to yield results that appear more natural compared to the conventional method.

During an FUE procedure:

  1. Extraction: Firstly, the doctor administers local anesthesia to both areas. Then, using pneumatic pressure, NeoGraft delicately removes each hair follicle from the back of your head. The process is akin to those machines in science-fiction movies that manipulate objects without physical contact, ensuring a gentle and painless experience.
  2. Transplant: Upon acquiring sufficient hair follicles, the doctor meticulously implants them one by one into the deficient areas on your head. Tiny incisions are made using needles so small that they’re barely perceptible—similar to planting flower seeds in your garden.

By exerting precise pressure for each individual hair, this method maintains a delicate balance, ensuring that every newly transplanted hair thrives and adjusts well in its new environment.

The most fascinating aspect? Thanks to this meticulous process, there aren’t considerable scars at the back of your head as would be with the older Follicular Unit Transplantation method. Instead, you might only notice small dots scattered here and there, hardly discernible due to being concealed by your remaining hair strands.

Process of NeoGraft Procedure

The first step in hair restoration involves extracting donor hair follicles from the back of the scalp—this area often harbors a good supply of healthy, resilient hair follicles genetically resistant to balding. NeoGraft employs a specialized extraction tool for this purpose, delicately collecting individual hair follicles one at a time, ensuring minimal trauma to the donor area and maintaining the natural appearance of the hair.

Did you know? Hair from the back of the scalp is used as a donor area because it is not as affected by male pattern baldness as hair from the top or front of the head.

Next, the harvested follicles go through meticulous sorting based on the number of hairs within each unit. This detailed sorting process guarantees that when transplanted, each follicular unit is placed appropriately to create a seamless and natural-looking hairline and overall distribution.

Following this is creating the recipient site. Once sorted, tiny incisions are made in the recipient area where balding or thinning occurs. These incisions are key to preparing for transplantation.

Finally, using pneumatic pressure, the NeoGraft system implants these sorted hair follicles into the recipient sites. This implantation process ensures that the hair follicles are placed at exactly the right angle, depth, and direction for natural growth. This precision leads to better outcomes, with transplanted hair growing naturally and seamlessly alongside existing hair.

It’s important to note every step demands skill and precision—from extracting hair without damaging precious follicles to creating incisions at just the right depth and angle for optimal results. The NeoGraft procedure is designed with care and expertise to provide patients with effective and natural-looking results.

Manual versus Automated NeoGraft Techniques


In the field of hair restoration, precision and efficiency are paramount. In manual Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) techniques, the skill of the surgeon’s hand is crucial. Variations in graft quality can result from human error, which impacts the overall outcome of the procedure.

For some patients, these variations might not matter much as long as the transplant is successful. However, for many others, this factor plays a significant role in choosing their preferred technique.

Automated FUE, like that offered by NeoGraft technology, addresses these concerns by minimizing reliance on manual dexterity and reducing the involvement of human hands. It ensures consistently precise and efficient harvesting and transplantation of hair follicles. By standardizing the extraction and implantation processes, it lessens the risk of damage to follicles and ensures each graft’s high likelihood of successful growth post-transplant.

These advancements illustrate how technology has revolutionized hair restoration procedures, ensuring improved outcomes and patient satisfaction.

The discussion around manual versus automated NeoGraft techniques highlights that while both methods have positives, automated NeoGraft offers a more consistent and reliable approach, minimizing surgical variations and human errors for enhanced results – a testament to why patients at UFP Hair Restoration trust this advanced technology for their hair restoration needs.

The discerning features of NeoGraft technology provide significant insight into the advanced approaches embraced by UFP Hair Restoration for the benefit of their patients’ experiences.

NeoGraft Results

Results following this procedure do take time to see and requires patience and commitment. The newly transplanted grafts usually fall out around week two or three. This is referred to as the shedding process and is completely normal. After the shedding , you will notice new hair growth within three to four months.

Results following FUE with NeoGraft are typically not fully apparent until 12-15 months after the patient’s initial surgery. The patient is then left with a thicker, fuller head of hair.

After undergoing the NeoGraft procedure, experiencing a shedding phase may sound disheartening, but it’s completely normal. This phase lasts several weeks post-operation, during which the newly transplanted hair follicles shed. It may seem alarming, but it’s just your hair’s way of making room for new growth. The shedding process varies by patient, but it’s an essential part of the regrowth cycle as it paves the way for thicker, stronger hair to take its place.

The shedding phase isn’t a permanent setback; in fact, it’s a sign that the transplant is working. Once this process concludes, you can expect fresh growth to commence within a few months. Patience is key during this period. It may take up to six months or longer before significant improvements are visible, but rest assured, your patience will be rewarded.

Result Confidentiality: When considering NeoGraft, it’s important to remember that discretion and confidentiality are upheld throughout the process. The results are subtle and natural, achieved through strategic planning and execution by qualified professionals.

As your new hair grows in, it seamlessly blends with your existing hair, creating a natural look that is indistinguishable from your own. This process ensures there are no noticeable signs of an artificial hair transplant – just lush, naturally growing hair affording you a fuller and more youthful appearance.

In summary, NeoGraft offers long-term solutions. The transplanted hair doesn’t just grow back—it behaves exactly like natural hair. It can be washed, styled, colored, and cut according to your preferences without any limitations or compromises on its appearance or texture.

Understanding these expected results not only prepares you for what’s to come but also highlights the natural evolution of your hair after undergoing NeoGraft treatment.


Additional Resources


If you are someone who is considering a hair transplant, UFP Hair Restoration offers excellent options.
Contact us to schedule a hair restoration consultation or call 801-776-2220.

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