
I’m Starting to Lose My Hair! How to Prevent It

Are you someone who is starting to thin or lose hair? This is more common than you think. More than 80 percent of men and 50 percent of women are affected by hair thinning or loss at some point in their lives. Hair loss doesn’t always begin to affect individuals once they’ve reached middle age, it can begin much earlier

Early Signs of Hair Loss

Early signs of hair loss for men and women tend to look a little different, here’s what to look for. Female pattern baldness starts usually with the part in the hair slowly widening, scattered bald spots, or hair shedding more than usual. Men begin to notice a receding hairline or thinning on the top of the scalp, which is typical male pattern baldness.

Hair Loss Amongst Women

Women who are affected by hair loss are usually affected by three different types of hair loss, anagen effluvium, telogen effluvium or androgenetic alopecia (female pattern baldness).

Anagen effluvium hair loss is caused by medications of treatments like chemotherapy or radiation that poison a growing hair follicle. When the hair follicle is poisoned, the hair falls out. Once the treatment of medication is stopped, the hair will typically regrow on its own.

Telogen effluvium is when an increased number of hair follicles reach the telogen phase. This is when hair cycles through the resting phase before it falls out. Common causes are extreme physical stress or shock to the body, abnormal thyroid, medications, or hormone changes.

Female pattern baldness, the most common form of hair loss amongst women. This type of hair loss is usually genetic, or it is due to aging and/or menopause. This is when hair thins over the top of the hair and on the sides.

Men affected by Male Pattern Baldness

Men are more commonly affected by androgenic alopecia, commonly referred to as male pattern baldness. Unfortunately, men inherit the genes that cause baldness. Male pattern baldness typically begins at the temples (receding hairline) and the crown of the head.

Treatments Available

There are a variety of treatments available ranging from non-invasive to more invasive procedures such as surgery to treat hair loss. The most common treatment recommended for both men and women is topical minoxidil (Rogaine). Rogaine is an over-the-counter topical medication that is applied to the scalp and has to be used indefinitely. When Rogaine is used to treat hair loss, it works by widening blood vessels which provides more blood flow to the hair follicles.

Propecia (Finasteride) is a prescription medication for hair loss that is typically recommended for men to treat hair loss. Propecia works by blocking the conversion of testosterone to DHT (dihydrotestosterone).  DHT can shrink your hair follicles, causing hair to thin as well as fall out faster. Propecia can be used in women but is not recommended during child bearing years.

These two medications are the only medications FDA approved to treat hair loss.

Hair Transplant Surgery

Hair transplant surgery is a long-term solution for both men and women suffering from hair loss or thinning. Healthy hair follicles by the back and/or sides of the scalp are harvested and transplanted to the thinning and balding areas of the scalp. This procedure is permanent, and recovery is typically minimal. Results can take anywhere from 9-12 months to become fully apparent.

To learn more about our hair restoration options visit our website https://utahhairmd.com/, or contact our office in Layton or Draper, UT at 801-776-2220.

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