If you are someone with over-tweezed brows, a patchy beard or uneven sideburns, and wonder how you can improve or correct that? At UFP Hair Restoration, we offer individuals the most advanced hair restoration options, and facial hair transplant is a great way to fill in sparse areas. Hair transplant surgery is for more than just the scalp. Hair can be transplanted to other areas of concern such as the beard, mustache, eyebrows or even sideburns.
Just like hair transplant surgery, the donor grafts (hair follicles) are obtained from the back of the individual’s scalp utilizing either FUE(follicular unit extraction) or the FUT (follicular unit transplant) techniques. The FUT method is the traditional method that involves removing a strip of scalp from the back of the head. The grafts are then cleaned, separated, and prepared for transplantation. The FUE method is a much less invasive technique that involves removing each follicle one at a time from the back of the head. Whether you decide to go with the FUT or FUE method, the results are great. For most individuals, it comes down to recovery and if they are okay having a linear scar on the back of the head. The linear scar does typically hide very well if an individual wears their hair slightly longer.
Beard and Mustache Hair Restoration
A candidate for beard or mustache restoration is someone who either has a difficult time growing facial hair or has patchy areas due to other factors.  The outline of where the grafts are transplanted are designed by both the patient and the surgeon. Once the outline and goals are determined, the grafts are appropriately placed until the recipient sites are filled. This is common area of interest in men, as fuller facial hair trends have become more popular over the years.
Sideburn Hair Restoration
Sideburn restoration is actually a thing, and it can benefit both men and women. When sideburns appear even, it can actually enhance the individual’s facial symmetry, or they simply want a desired look. Typically, this procedure is sought out by individuals who may be suffering from a genetic issue or a result from a previous cosmetic procedure (facelift or laser hair removal).
Eyebrow Restoration
An important part of facial symmetry are the eyebrows. The eyebrows frame the eyes and is one of the first features we notice on an individual’s face. A candidate for eyebrow restoration is anyone who wishes to have fuller, more even eyebrows. The most common culprit for thin eyebrows is over-tweezing, waxing, or it can occur as we age. The eyebrows are precisely outlined on the face with a look an individual has always desired. Unlike eyebrow tattooing or microblading, eyebrow restoration is more natural looking and it’s permanent.
When can I expect to see results from facial hair transplant?
Following any hair transplant surgery, it is normal for the scabs to fully come off in 1-2 weeks. The hair typically falls out with the grafts. However, the follicles are still in place and start producing hair approximately 3-5 months after surgery. Full results can be expected around 9-12 month after surgery. Individuals can expect their hair restoration surgery to look natural and last a lifetime. With any facial hair, grooming and trimming will still be apart of care.
It is best to consult with one of our hair restoration specialists to determine what treatment will be best for you. Dr. Scott Thompson and Dr. Douglas Henstrom recommend coming in for a consultation to discuss your concerns and goals. For more information about facial hair transplant surgery, please contact our Draper or Layton, Utah office at (801)776-2220.