Hair transplant surgery is a procedure where hair is moved from one part of the scalp to another area of the scalp or even done to replace facial hair. The procedure itself can take many hours and is quite a process. It also comes with some rigorous post care instructions that will help to determine the success of the transplant. New hair growth takes 3-12 months to enjoy the final results but it is very rewarding to many, and they are able to enjoy their new hair for a lifetime. We want to share some tips on how you should gently care for your hair following a transplant.
What Happens to The Scalp After Surgery?
Immediately after hair transplant surgery the grafts take root and the healing process begins. It is important to be gentle the first week, not to disrupt or lose any hair grafts as they are not fully settled. Following an FUT hair transplant, there is an incision in the back of the head where a strip was taken. With an FUE hair transplant, the grafts were taken out of the back of the scalp one by one using a punch method.
The donor area will need to be cleaned daily and antibiotic ointment is applied to help it heal properly and avoid increased chances of infection. The grafts will begin to crust over and this area usually becomes itchy. It is important to spray sterile water over this area so that it doesn’t become too dry or crusty. Do not pick or itch the grafts, you do not want to risk losing any of the grafts that were just implanted.
Washing Your Hair After A Hair Transplant
When your transplant is finished, you will have a gauze wrap around your head to help catch any bleeding as well as preventing swelling from migrating down the forehead. Your scalp has been sprayed throughout the day with sterile water to keep the grafts moist and hydrated. The wrap is left on and the hair should not be washed for the first 24 hours following surgery.
After the first day UFP Hair Restoration recommends lightly washing the hair for the first week using the instructed shampoo being mixed with a cup of water and used to pour over the scalp. Do not scrub or let the streaming water beat over the head, again we don’t want to accidentally disrupt the placement of any of the grafts. You will then use the cup to also rinse off any shampoo residue. A towel may be used to lightly pat the head dry.
The Following Weeks After Hair Transplant Surgery
While you are being careful with wound care and cleaning during the first week, it is also important to follow some other instructions. Strenuous exercise should be avoided in the first week. This could increase swelling and blood flow, possibly causing bleeding or pushing the grafts out of their implanted site. Hats may be worn to conceal signs of surgery, but it must be wide and tall enough to cover the grafts without putting any pressure on this area. Usually, a trucker style hat is best.
The skin around the grafts will be red and will look like this for some time. Avoiding sun exposure is important so that the skin heals quicker. Pools or lakes should be avoided for the first 3-4 weeks after a hair transplant. For the first 6 months a hat should be worn while in the sun. And sunscreen should be worn anytime the scalp is exposed to the sun.
Hair transplant surgery is a big decision and can be a very rewarding experience. Not only is it important that you choose a reputable place and experienced hair restoration surgeon, the care methods you take after are crucial to a successful outcome. UFP Hair Restoration provides our patients with great care from beginning to end. Visit to learn mor about our doctors, the hair restoration services we offer, or call 801-776-2220 to schedule a hair consultation.