
What To Expect Following Hair Restoration Surgery?

Hair restoration surgery for men and women has become more popular than ever thanks to major advances in technology. Such technology includes NeoGraft, the revolutionary automated FUE system that harvests follicular units from the scalp one at a time so there is no need to excise a large strip of skin from the back of the head. This makes the recovery process much easier, there’s minimal discomfort and the best part is that no linear scar will result on the back of the head.

One of the first things patients want to know about when consulting about hair restoration surgery is the recovery process. It’s important to understand what can and can’t be done following surgery so you can schedule your procedure accordingly. Luckily, most patients are able to resume normal tasks the day following hair restoration surgery.

Once the in-office NeoGraft procedure is complete, a pressure bandage is placed over the donor area where the grafts were extracted. The dressing can be removed after 24 hours and bacitracin or Neosporin will need to be applied to the area once per day for the following 4 days. Nothing needs to be done with the donor area beyond that and those sites will heal completely after a few days.

Finished Hair Restoration Surgery

For the recipient site, we recommend misting the grafts 3-4 times per day with a spray bottle to keep them moist. You’ll like experience uncomfortable itching if they dry prematurely. The hair should not be washed for 24 hour after and it’s best to sleep on your back for the first few nights to minimize swelling.

Scabbing will form over the recipient sites within a few hours following surgery and will naturally come off after 7-10 days. Some small hairs will likely come out with the scabs but it’s completely normal to lose the hair shaft…the bulb will still be in place. Hats can be worn after the bandages are removed the next day to hide the recipient sites.

7 Days Post Hair Restoration Surgery - Scabbing

Most patients are feeling fine the next day and are able to resume normal activities but strenuous exercise and heavy weight lifting needs to be avoided for one week following your Neograft procedure.

For more information on what to expect with your NeoGraft hair restoration procedure, call (801)776-2220 for a free consultation or upload your photos through our Virtual Consultation page and we will get back to you within 24-48 business hours.

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