70 percent of men will experience hair loss in their lifetime. This thinning or balding is usually caused by androgenic alopecia, more commonly referred to as male pattern baldness. A balding crown and a receding hairline are signs of early male pattern baldness. If put off or ignored too long, hair loss can be permanent. At UFP Hair Restoration we offer our patients several non-invasive hair restoration treatment options to help those who are suffering from hair loss.
The Cause of a Balding Crown
A balding crown or male pattern baldness is both genetic and associated with the male sex hormones called dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which is the major contributor. In susceptible individuals when DHT is converted from testosterone, it causes the hair follicles to miniaturize and stop producing new hair altogether which makes the follicle become dormant.
Hair follicles on the crown and along the hairline are the most sensitive to DHT, which is why hair loss in these areas are the most common. The sides and back of the scalp are more resistant, which is why hair is taken from these areas during hair transplant surgery.
How to Spot a Balding Crown
You may feel like you woke up with a receding hairline or balding crown, but really you probably haven’t been proactive about your hair loss. With male pattern baldness, it is usually a slow process and hair thin slowly over time. However, if it goes untreated you can expect most of the top of the scalp to be uncovered. This takes years to get to this point, which is why it is important to be proactive as soon as you notice thinning or balding occurring.
When looking in the mirror to check for balding, first, check the crown of the scalp. This area may go unnoticed longer because it is difficult to see. Next, look for a receding hairline. Has your forehead become longer? Are your temples more visible? If you notice thinning or balding in either of these areas, you may be experiencing male pattern baldness. The sooner the early signs of balding are detected, the sooner you can begin treatment, preventing it from getting worse.
What Can Be Done About a Balding Crown?
Once you realize that you are suffering from a balding crown or receding hairline, you’re going to want to know what your hair loss treatment options entail. The most common treatment options include Minoxidil (Rogaine) and/or Finasteride (Propecia). Both medications have been medically proven to effectively treat hair loss.
Finasteride is a prescription medication that is available in both oral and topical form. This medication is extremely effective because it inhibits the DHT enzyme that converts it to testosterone. Meaning it reduces DHT levels, which prevents the hair follicles from miniaturizing. Finasteride is a medication that needs to be taken indefinitely to maintain results.
Minoxidil is an over-the-counter medication that can be applied alone or alongside Finasteride. Minoxidil is a topical solution that works to slow down the hair loss process while thickening existing hair follicles. Like Finasteride, Minoxidil does require consistent, long-term use.
Both options are low cost and the least invasive place to start when treating signs of early hair thinning or loss. If a medication or topical is not an option you want to explore, another option is Nutrafol hair supplement. Factors like environment, stress, aging, nutrition, and lifestyle can have effects on hair. Nutrafol is a natural combination of ingredients that address these issues at the root and can promote healthier hair.
For more information about hair restoration options, get started by speaking with one of our specialists in Draper or Layton offices at (801)776-2220.